
In the same way people listen to most of their music on portable media players now, podcasts are becoming more popular by the day and are at the cutting edge of spoken audio content. They’re gaining listeners where it’s well known radio is losing them. And if you aren’t sure what a podcast is, I recommend checking out the Wikipedia article on podcasts.

Once you understand what podcasts are, it’s not hard to imagine that there are many different kinds of them. They cover pretty much everything, but since I’m a comedian, and this is a blog about comedy, I’ll stick with the comedy podcasts. As a regular feature to this blog I’ll be reviewing episodic podcasts that I think are worth mentioning. Giving people a summary of what the podcast is about, its strong points, weaknesses, availability, etc. It won’t be about individual episodes but a podcast as a series (though if I feel compelled to, I might post commentary on an episode from time to time).

I’m not sure I’m entirely qualified to do this, but as of this writing I regularly listen to roughly 4 podcasts a week, but I imagine that number will grow as I try to discover new ones to write about. I was even on a couple of episodes of the short lived podcast, Cookies & Cakes with Ryan Staples (worth checking out if you haven’t, which is most everyone). So we will see!

By Matt Aromando

Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.

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