This is the beginning of a series of blog posts about podcasts, for some background on why, check out my original post on podcasts.
The first podcast I ever listened to was Doug Benson’s Doug Loves Movies (iTunes link). I’m not sure why I started listening to it, I didn’t really know much about Doug Benson at the time. I vaguely remembered reading his short movie reviews on the defunct, but that’s as far as it went. Then one day I decided to get into podcasts (out of boredom?) and I found Doug Loves Movies to which I was instantly hooked. I ended up listening to every back episode and (most of the time) listen to it as soon as, in Doug’s words, an episode “plops.”
The podcast comes out on a weekly basis (normally Fridays) and consists of Doug and a panel of comics talking about movies, usually in front of a live audience at the Upright Citizens Brigade Theatre in LA. It starts off with a short monologue by Doug, followed by the introduction of his guests with a few minutes of banter. Every episode concludes with the Leonard Maltin Game, which was created by Benson and his friends. It’s a “Name That Tune” style game with movies (instead of songs) which references Leonard Maltin’s Movie Guide to provide hints and actor names.
Thanks to Doug and his very funny friends, who can often give perspective on the business, the podcast is a must listen for anyone who can appreciate movies or are just looking for some quality comedy. Who doesn’t like comedy and/or movies? Boring people, that’s who. You aren’t boring are you? Give Doug Loves Movies a try and hopefully you’ll be hooked like I am.