A t-shirt for Hipsters

Weezer! From 2005! (credit: James on Wikipedia)

Snobby people always say things like “the book was better” and “I liked their first album” as a way to sound more interesting. In recognition of that idea, here’s an idea my friend Jarrod and I have for a t-shirt (if it was the early 2000’s, it would be black with white text on it):

This isn’t the Weezer song I picked.

Hip band, wrong song. Probably anything not off the Blue Album or Pinkerton—the consensus pick for their best album—ironically not their first.

Weezer! From 2005! (credit: James on Wikipedia)
Weezer! From 2005! (credit: James on Wikipedia)

By Matt Aromando

Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.


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