I DVR most of the shows I watch, so I don’t see many commercials. Though, I love watching baseball and that is something I need to see live. Therefore, I’ve seen a lot of commercials during the playoffs and I’ve also been seeing a lot off the same commercials (they only seem to sell four products to baseball fans: ED treatment, cars, flights, and cell phones). I’ve seen just about all I can of these T-Mobile commercials about this kid Jeremy:
His parents are incensed that he is using his data plan in Europe, I think to check BeerAdvocate or something. Apparently, it’s costing the parents a lot of money because data ain’t free. Well guess what parents? If you’re upset about the cell phone, that is apparently under your name, being charged like crazy then cancel the plan (or stop data or whatever)! You bought it for him! It’s all your fault! Lay off the kid.
I know this is missing the point of the commercial but maybe if T-Mobile didn’t play the same commercial over and over, I wouldn’t have time to over-analyze it. I’ve probably seen this T-Mobile commercial more times than the average nerd has seen any given Star Wars movie and everyone knows how much people over-think those.
P. S. When the dad says, “HELLO” at the beginning, all I can think about is one of my favorite, absurd, videos in internet history, you are a chef!!!!!! (the movie). You’re welcome.