I’m no pioneer in the field of comfort but I am one of those people who wear sneakers to work and change into dress shoes once I get into the office. A lot of people do it and it makes a lot of sense.
I don’t need dress shoes at home very often and sneakers are more comfortable to commute in. I thought those were pretty much the two reasons to wear sneakers to work but I was proven wrong the other day. I saw someone wearing a button-down dress shirt tucked into khaki pants (with a belt), running shoes, listening to music, running around downtown Boston around 5:00 in the afternoon. After thinking about it for a week, I’ve come to several possible conclusions:
- He’s a very dedicated runner. He forgot his workout clothes at home but still wanted to get a run in after work. That would explain why he looked like he felt out of his element.
- He’s just decided to start running and saw other people wearing sneakers to work. The only logical conclusion to him was that people must go running in their work clothes. Nevermind the fact that those are the most uncomfortable clothes to run in (amongst other drawbacks).
- He had never been running before and just saw Forrest Gump for the first time. Spoiler alert: Forrest runs. Forrest ran in a similar, full outfit and this guy is trying to emulate his hero. What better inspiration is there than the person who started a million “run, Forrest, run” jokes?