Union Square in Manhattan is a popular area for shopping. There are lots of stores, there are restaurants, there’s a park with outdoor stuff like farmers’ markets and holiday shopping around Christmas. I’m in Union Square a lot, largely because the yoga studio I go to is there.
Now with the holidays being over, all the people shilling toys have left…or so I would have thought. A couple of days ago I was walking through Union Square on a night where there were no outdoor markets, farmers’ or otherwise. However, standing where a merchant’s tent might be any other night, was a man. He didn’t seem to have truck or table or even any boxes set up. He was just standing there by himself, launching one of those toy helicopters that they are always trying to push on people at toy stores. The only toy in history which kids don’t want just by looking at the box.
It was as if I saw someone selling Christmas trees on New Year’s Day. Did this guy just forget to go home? Did he go home but he just comes back here everyday trying to sell what he knows how to sell that best? How many of these helicopters did he unwisely buy?
Maybe he just needed someone to play helicopter launchers with.