I saw the super moon eclipse on Sunday night. It was cool, especially as far as things go for the moon. I mean, the moon is pretty cool, I guess, but it’s kind of old hat now. It’s there almost every night and even sometimes during the day. Anyways, on the way home from the park where I watched the eclipse, I heard someone say something strange. This guy was just getting off the subway (so clearly had no interest in looking at the sky) and, to the person he was with, dismissed the super moon eclipse by saying, “the moon always looks like this.”
What? No. The moon does not always look like that. It was literally colored red. The moon is not normally red. MAYBE he was referring to the “super” part of it, which I can kind of agree with. The moon is still the moon, just a little bigger. However, that was not the notable thing about that night’s moon. It was super AND being eclipsed!
It doesn’t matter what one thinks about the whole ordeal, the moon simply did not look the way it always looks. That is absurd.