It’s been a little while since I’ve put up a new blog post (or a video) but, hey, I just got married and went to Aruba for a week! I did want to post something so people knew I was still alive (the whole purpose of this blog) and I thought the first day of summer would be a good time to throw some hot-weather related content online.
I was thinking about just linking to the Lonely Island video for Ras Trent, one of my very favorite comedy videos, and calling it quits. Then I remembered I had this perfectly good footage of me going down a waterslide in Aruba that I wanted to post to my YouTube channel.
So here it is! Check out me shill my Galaxy S8 to a little boy standing in line behind me and the slide attendant who showed moderate concern for my phone’s safety. That’s my wife (first time typing that) Laura waving at me from the bottom of the slide.