It’s odd for me to think about my top videos. I get all kinds of esoteric stats on them from YouTube: watch time, average view duration, audience retention, likes, dislikes, likes vs. dislikes, impressions click-through rate, etc. It hurts my brain to think about these too much, so I go with views to judge the performance of a video (with an eye towards the ratio of views to likes it gets). As I understand it, the view stat is a number that ticks up every time someone watches one of my videos without regard to how long they watched it or if they enjoyed the experience. Like most isolated statistics, this number doesn’t tell the whole story. Sometimes a video just has a tantalizing thumbnail (like the number three video in the ranking) that increases its view count. Sometimes the algorithms like one video more than another. Anyways, I’m chattering on now. Here are my top five videos of 2022, as determined by their number of views:
#5 – My Kevin Costner Impression

First up—at number five—is my debut story time video: My Kevin Costner Impression! It’s a story from my washed-up stand-up career about the time I got advice from an audience member to start using a Kevin Costner impression in my act.
#4 – Just Fall Asleep

At number four is my sketch from the summer, Just Fall Asleep! This video sees Don trying to fall asleep after a night out at karaoke. There’s just one problem: he can’t stop thinking about Lord of the Rings!
#3 – No Bathrooms

At number three is my first sketch of the year—No Bathrooms! In this video, Jay just bought a new house and he loves it! It may look a little out of his price range but he can afford it since there aren’t any bathrooms in it. No bathrooms. None at all.
#2 – Yuck! Who Wants The Crust?

My second most watched video is, Yuck! Who Wants The Crust? It’s a commercial satire with, Randy, who is here to convince the world that “Yuck!” is a fine product and shouldn’t be judged by its horrendous name.
#1 – I Kind Of Love This

Number one is I Kind Of Love This! In this commentary on social media, Theo has gone to a yard sale and picked up a neat little coin bank. After posting it online, he gets into an interesting conversation about it!