The other day I was eating lunch at Smorgasburg in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park. Picnic tables were at a premium but luckily I was able to find a couple of empty seats for my girlfriend and I. As it turned out we were sharing the table with a family of six. A family that was really into being a family.
Author: Matt Aromando
Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.
Monthly Mottos: May
May is the most narcissistic of all the months. It begins with one Zodiac representation—Taurus, which is already a badass bull—and ends as Gemini, two human beings, a.k.a. the apex predators. May is the most self-referential month of them all…
The Star Wars Canary
I never knew C-3PO needed defending until recently but people have been throwing a lot of shade in his direction, especially in light of BB-8’s fresh new awesomeness. I argue that C-3PO is one of the most entertaining parts of the original trilogy and has a notably great appearance in The Force Awakens…
This Was Never Going To Work Out
I was at a café, waiting for my tea to be ready, when I glanced over someone’s shoulder. It was the shoulder of a girl checking her snaps (you know, on Snapchat). This girl’s friend sent her a video of the date she was on…
Snow Re-moving
A few weeks ago, New York City had its second biggest snow storm on record. Now, I’ve been in New York for some other snow storms that I didn’t think were handled all that well but I assumed even the best of us make mistakes. I wasn’t going to label New York as incapable of dealing with snow using such a small sample size. Now, though, I’m ready to use that label…
Everything’s Alright
It would be an understatement to say that I’ve been addicted to video games for the past few months. I bought an Xbox One back in June to play through Batman: Arkham Knight (which I beat 100%, including all that pesky nonsense with The Riddler (which my phone wants to auto-correct to “The Toddler”))…
A Shirt Past Its Prime
I’m not much of a poet but…”A man wears a humorous FCUK shirt, The world let’s out a sigh.” That’s what I thought the other day when a man walked by me in a plain white t-shirt with black letters that read, “I don’t give a FCUK.”