Comedy can be good, is subjective

photo credit: betta design via photopin cc

I watch what I consider smart comedy. It sounds pretentious, and that’s because it is, but I like my comedy to be original and make me think. That being said, I had a strange experience after seeing a taping of Comedy Central’s The Half Hour. At these tapings, they have each comic perform for roughly… Continue reading Comedy can be good, is subjective


Photo by Matt Aromando; Boston, MA; November 2012

I love going to concerts. I used to see shows all the time. I don’t go to as many anymore due to the combination of not being particularly good at getting into new bands and the bands I already like not touring enough (I’m looking at you Brand New). Well the other day I went to… Continue reading Encore!

Standing up isn’t easy

Stand-up comedy isn’t an easy thing to get into. I mean, not if someone wants to make anything out of it. If someone wants to be a stand-up comedian, they spend years practicing and getting on stage as much as possible. I typically go to open mics  1-3 times a week and I still don’t… Continue reading Standing up isn’t easy

Plastic Rings

Photo by Matt Aromando (August 2012 - Boston, MA)

Everyone knows about plastic 6-pack rings. They’ve been binding our beverages together since the 60’s. I’m also pretty sure everyone knows they can trap wildlife in them and in some cases these rings can be used to comb the ocean floor. Personally, I try to avoid buying products that use them for those reasons but if I do end up in possession of one, I cut it up into like 50 pieces (better safe than sardine)…

My Dental Hygienist and I

photo credit: Carnicula via photo pin cc

I went to the dentist the other day for a routine cleaning (no cavities). My hygienist’s name is Alison and that’s all I know about her. My dentist, though, the guy who only sees me for 60-seconds every 6-months? Well I know his full name. My regular doctor? The same. With my dental hygienist, all… Continue reading My Dental Hygienist and I


Some people call it “drama,” or maybe “bullshit,” but what they’re talking about is politics. It’s annoying and blinds good judgement. I feel like even though I know it’s a bad thing, I can’t help but be affected by it. For instance, today I was thinking about writing a complimentary post about something in my life… Continue reading Politics

Saving Seats

photo credit: Annie Mole via photopin cc

When I can’t ride my bike, Lucy, to work, I take the subway. Often I will see people put bags on seats, say to other passengers that they are “saving” the seat, or sitting on the outside seat with an empty seat next to them. I guess this is because people are either selfish or… Continue reading Saving Seats