This Was Never Going To Work Out

I was at a café, waiting for my tea to be ready, when I glanced over someone’s shoulder. It was the shoulder of a girl checking her snaps (you know, on Snapchat). This girl’s friend sent her a video of the date she was on…

Snow Re-moving

A few weeks ago, New York City had its second biggest snow storm on record. Now, I’ve been in New York for some other snow storms that I didn’t think were handled all that well but I assumed even the best of us make mistakes. I wasn’t going to label New York as incapable of dealing with snow using such a small sample size. Now, though, I’m ready to use that label…

How would you like your waffle?

Last week while I was in Florida I visited an American institution, Waffle House. It’s one of my favorite chains and one I can only really visit if I’m in the southern part of the country. I love the waffles but the other thing that keeps me coming back is the ambiance. Like most 24-hour restaurants, the patrons (and staff) are pretty interesting.

Leg Problems

The other day I posted a photo to Instagram of a man rudely stretching out his legs on the subway. I didn’t think much of it. I made a joke that we need to, “Forget man-spreading (when men sit with their legs wide open on the subway, taking up two, or maybe more, seats), we need to stop man-lengthening.”

What the Moon Looks Like

A photo of Laura Miner trying to take a photo of the supermoon eclipse.

I saw the super moon eclipse on Sunday night. It was cool, especially as far as things go for the moon. Anyways, on the way home from the park where I watched the eclipse, I heard someone say something strange.

A Gun Guy

I met one heck of a guy the other day. A bunch of us were hanging out in a group and like any great hang-sesh, politics came up. I don’t generally like to debate politics with people because it never ends up going anywhere. However, I sensed, at least somewhat correctly, that this was a good crowd to at least joke about Donald Trump with…