My Favorite Magazine

I’m going to get sentimental today. A lot of people have a favorite toy or movie from their childhood. I have a favorite magazine. This isn’t just a magazine that I generally liked, it’s my favorite issue of my favorite magazine and, more specifically, my favorite issue of any magazine…

11 Streets in Brooklyn That Sound Like Names of Pokémon

It’s been mentioned in this space that I’m a Pokémon Go player and anyone who has taken any kind of walk with me in the past few months knows that I’m still playing Pokémon Go on the regular. The game has generally not been as popular as when it was released but it was never going to keep up that popularity. This past weekend though, I relived the glory days of seeing hoards of players walking around with their phones out…

Nerdy Currency

An amazing number of people look at me and correctly guess that I, “do something with computers.” That seems like a broad concept—most people “do something” with computers—but I know that they mean. It’s that I either work in IT or that I’m a programmer. So, I can’t really pretend I don’t seem nerdy but… Continue reading Nerdy Currency

Walking Through a 90’s Videogame

This past Saturday, I was at the reception for a photography show featuring some Polaroids by Laura Miner. It was held in a former silverware factory in East Boston and most of the building is still empty. I walked through this one particular room and was reminded of playing video games in the 90’s, most… Continue reading Walking Through a 90’s Videogame