St. Louis vs. the World

Last week, I was in St. Louis on vacation. It might seem like a weird place to go on vacation and that’s probably because it is. I was attracted to the city for a couple of reasons. The main one being that they have a Major League Baseball team, the St. Louis Cardinals. I love… Continue reading St. Louis vs. the World

Comedy can be good, is subjective

photo credit: betta design via photopin cc

I watch what I consider smart comedy. It sounds pretentious, and that’s because it is, but I like my comedy to be original and make me think. That being said, I had a strange experience after seeing a taping of Comedy Central’s The Half Hour. At these tapings, they have each comic perform for roughly… Continue reading Comedy can be good, is subjective

Crowdsourcing my value as a person

photo credit: batmoo via photopin cc

Comedy contests are literally my least favorite part of trying to make my way as a comedian. Literally my least favorite part? Yes. Literally.

My debut into live sketch comedy (or my return to doing skits)

That's me on the right, being a pretty lady.

Every summer from age 16-19, I worked at a Boy Scout summer camp in the Handicrafts Lodge. During the day I would teach art, basketry, leatherworking, woodworking and woodcarving merit badges. There were other daily duties besides teaching merit badges like leading the camp in grace before meals, singing songs after meals, cleaning the shower… Continue reading My debut into live sketch comedy (or my return to doing skits)

Addressing strangers can be even more awkward than I originally thought

photo credit: laffy4k via photopin cc

I’m going to try to cover a lot of ground with this post. I’m going to try to drop some truth and acknowledge how I am ignorant to certain ideas. I was recently at an open mic that was running pretty late into the night. Two gentlemen walked into the bar where the open mic… Continue reading Addressing strangers can be even more awkward than I originally thought

A Rejection Letter, Revisited

photo credit: Jon McGovern via photopin cc

A year and a half ago, I emailed a booker asking if I could perform in his club (along with a video of my stand-up) . That booker sent me back an email explaining why I was denied the chance to perform at that particular comedy club. I wrote about it right after it happened… Continue reading A Rejection Letter, Revisited

Standing up isn’t easy

Stand-up comedy isn’t an easy thing to get into. I mean, not if someone wants to make anything out of it. If someone wants to be a stand-up comedian, they spend years practicing and getting on stage as much as possible. I typically go to open mics  1-3 times a week and I still don’t… Continue reading Standing up isn’t easy