A kidnapping joke

photo credit: pointnshoot via photopin cc

When I write for my stand-up act, jokes or bits or whatever, it usually starts with a weird idea popping into my head or starts with me seeing or doing something I’d like to poke fun at. I don’t often sit down to write jokes. I’ll sit down to finish ideas and work on them… Continue reading A kidnapping joke

St. Louis vs. the World

Last week, I was in St. Louis on vacation. It might seem like a weird place to go on vacation and that’s probably because it is. I was attracted to the city for a couple of reasons. The main one being that they have a Major League Baseball team, the St. Louis Cardinals. I love… Continue reading St. Louis vs. the World

Comedy can be good, is subjective

photo credit: betta design via photopin cc

I watch what I consider smart comedy. It sounds pretentious, and that’s because it is, but I like my comedy to be original and make me think. That being said, I had a strange experience after seeing a taping of Comedy Central’s The Half Hour. At these tapings, they have each comic perform for roughly… Continue reading Comedy can be good, is subjective

Standing up isn’t easy

Stand-up comedy isn’t an easy thing to get into. I mean, not if someone wants to make anything out of it. If someone wants to be a stand-up comedian, they spend years practicing and getting on stage as much as possible. I typically go to open mics  1-3 times a week and I still don’t… Continue reading Standing up isn’t easy