I was in a conversation with a couple of people where none of us knew each other especially well but we were all acquaintances. We were trying to figure out what kind of music everyone probably liked just by the information we had about each other at the time…
Tag: music
What did you say? Nevermind.
I love messing with the lyrics of songs like a poor man’s Weird Al (or like a regular man’s Homer Simpson). It took me forever to find the song that inspired me to write this post. It’s a song I generally only hear in bars/clubs and I rarely know what names of those songs are… Continue reading What did you say? Nevermind.
I love going to concerts. I used to see shows all the time. I don’t go to as many anymore due to the combination of not being particularly good at getting into new bands and the bands I already like not touring enough (I’m looking at you Brand New). Well the other day I went to… Continue reading Encore!
A t-shirt for Hipsters
Snobby people always say things like “the book was better” and “I liked their first album” as a way to sound more interesting. In recognition of that idea, here’s an idea my friend Jarrod and I have for a t-shirt (if it was the early 2000’s, it would be black with white text on it):… Continue reading A t-shirt for Hipsters
Two-Party System
I tried making this into an album cover for an imaginary [punk] band, but I hated all my ideas. Instead, here’s a photo I’m just calling, Two-Party System: Any ideas for band and/or album names for this? Let’s see them in the comments. Maybe I’ll do something fun if I get enough ideas.
The Goose That Laid the Golden Beat
It brings me great pleasure to introduce to the world, The Goose That Laid the Golden Beat:
Hot Sauce Committee Part 2
The latest album by the Beastie Boys, Hot Sauce Committee Part 2, came out today. I’ve already given it three listens and as Micheal Ian Black tweeted recently “Somehow the Beastie Boys have managed to never fucking suck.” The new album is incredible and I recommend everyone pick up a copy of it (Amazon MP3… Continue reading Hot Sauce Committee Part 2