Excuse Me

Let me paint the picture: I’m on the subway here in New York and it’s crowded but not packed. There’s some space to move around, if one was so inclined, but no seats available. (If there was a seat, I’d probably be in it. I’m not a seat hog or anything but I wouldn’t let such a precious commodity go to waste.) I was just standing there, holding onto the horizontal metal bar, about halfway between car doors…

Dr. Layman or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Simplicity

From a convenience store in Manhattan:Part of me is angry for how stupid the world must be for something like this to exist. I mean, “I’ve cut myself?” I get allergy medicine or aspirin being tricky but band-aids? You’ve cut yourself and you forgot the thing you need to buy is band-aids? AHHH! The other… Continue reading Dr. Layman or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Simplicity

Writin’ Down A Dream

The other day I was talking to my friend, Steve Hynes, about dreams (and neither of us were high). Steve, mentioned that he was reading a book about remembering, learning from, and controlling dreams. Now, I’m not sure what I would use “controlling my dreams” for, though that sounds cool. It’s probably a lot like… Continue reading Writin’ Down A Dream

NYC Trip: Days 4 – 7

If you regularly read this blog, you may be asking yourself “What happened during the rest of your time in NYC, Matt?” Well friends, I would have loved to have told you at the time, but I just got a little too busy (which is a good thing). Class on Wednesday was fine, I only… Continue reading NYC Trip: Days 4 – 7

NYC Trip: Day 2 & 3

Monday was my first day of improv classes and they went much better than expected. The whole class was really into it, excited, and funny. I’m not sure why I expected less, it was people taking a class that no one forced them to take, essentially to have a good time on stage. But still,… Continue reading NYC Trip: Day 2 & 3