How did you get here?

Yesterday morning, I was contemplating the events of Tuesday’s presidential election. I wondered what my purpose was in a country that I disagreed with so many people about what was good for the future. It hadn’t crossed my mind that I didn’t really belong in this country (though I’m relieved by how both my current… Continue reading How did you get here?


Some people call it “drama,” or maybe “bullshit,” but what they’re talking about is politics. It’s annoying and blinds good judgement. I feel like even though I know it’s a bad thing, I can’t help but be affected by it. For instance, today I was thinking about writing a complimentary post about something in my life… Continue reading Politics

I’m Voting Republigum!

I bought this from a candy store, called Sugar Heaven, a couple of months ago: A little too good to believe. Obviously, what attracted me to this was that it’s gum that has, “Vote Republican,” printed on the front. The amazing thing is that the name of the gum is actually, “BONUS!” printed in an… Continue reading I’m Voting Republigum!

A Rejection Letter

photo credit: Daniel*1977 via photopin cc

Every industry has its politics, lingo, red tape, etc. and stand-up comedy is no different. I’m not a fan of that kind of stuff but to some extent I have to “play the game.” So I won’t mention the club’s name, but I received an e-mail the other day from comedy club informing me they… Continue reading A Rejection Letter