
I’m a bit of a fiend when it comes to social networking. Without any real need, I pretty much sign up for every site there is. First I had to have Facebook and MySpace accounts and from there it all snowballed: Last.fm, Twitter, WordPress, Blogger, Google+… All the nonsense I could get my hands on. Well very recently I decided to sign up for Tumblr, but I couldn’t really figure out how I would use it, I mean, I already have a blog.

While fiddling around with my account trying to set it up, I came across an interesting box I could check: “Let people ask questions” and I checked it off, not really thinking much of it. Then comes along tumblrbot and tumblrbot asked me a question: “WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE INANIMATE OBJECT?” This, I decided, is what Tumblr will be for. So please, check out my Tumblr and ask me a question. I’ll be happy to answer it 🙂

By Matt Aromando

Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.

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