Before I started this blog I never realized how much I thought about pizza, but here I am critiquing a pizza box. So, the other night my friends and I ordered pizza from our usual place, Inbound Pizza. They have a generic looking pizza box that I’ve seen at other places before:
I have several issues with this artwork on this box. First of all, the people sitting at the table are not eating pizza. Now, I have a feeling someone at the design company may have pointed this out, because of course there is a man bringing out what appears to be wine. It looks like it was a quick fix because that man is a) floating and b) not coming from the pizzeria!
Who is this weird floating man who brings around wine from back alleys to people waiting for their pizza to arrive? How does he float? Why does he float? Is the third glass of wine on his tray for himself? He must just invite himself to dinner tables, tempting people with his possibly tainted alcohol. How do the police let him get away with this? Italy or Greece or wherever they are is a strange place indeed! His face is also looks disturbingly real compared to the more cartoonish couple sitting at the table and musician behind them.
Well that about covers my thoughts, do you notice anything else strange with that picture? Please, leave your comments!
that man is also giant if you think about perspective. realistic floating giant man… with wine!
He’s the whole package!