Do month’s need mottos? Probably not! But here’s my motto for January:
Remember, January only comes once a year!
I don’t know why I said this for the first time. I know I was sitting in a pizza place with my friend Jarrod but we always say odd things to each other. I wrote it down on my phone to remember it forever. These days, I like to think of the motto as an optimistic observation, since January is by all accounts a crummy month. There are a number of reasons for this: the holidays are over, most people spend the first day of it hung over/full of regret, the charm of winter is gone, etc. Once it’s over, we get 11 months January-free.
If someone happens to like January, well, good for them (it’s probably based on something weird). Someone’s birthday doesn’t cut it, that’s just one day. The promise of New Year’s resolutions—that will almost certainly be broken—isn’t worth it either. Blah, I can’t even stand thinking about reasons one might like it.
Anyways, love it or hate it, there are only 31 days of January a year.