
Ah, the holidays. A time for reflecting and giving thanks. What is a person like me thankful for (aside from all the wonderful people who participated in the 4th Annual International Subscribe to Matt Aromando (and his email list) Week)? I’d say I’m thankful for my perception that my comedy career might actually be going… Continue reading Lifeguards

Vote 4 Ghost

Holiday decorations are the best. I love how much effort is put into coming up with new ideas for them year after year. Above is a photo of one of my all time favorites from Halloween 2008. It’s timely; Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, at most 8 days after Halloween. It’s poignant; politicians are the worst, it’s like their monsters! It’s goofy, for many reasons…

Party scheduling tradition

photo credit: woodleywonderworks via photopin cc

It’s Halloween on a Thursday. What a confusing day for Halloween to be on. When to party? I was invited to four Halloween parties last Friday, six days before Halloween. I found out some people are planning on partying tomorrow, November 1st. Now, I’ll never tell people not to party but when I hear about… Continue reading Party scheduling tradition

The Island of Misfit Costumes

It’s the last 10 days before Halloween night and I’ve thought a lot about costumes. My usual choice is something weird or otherwise confusing. For example, a couple of years ago I dressed up as Slutty French Fries (pictured), a play on the idea that the cliché girl costume is always a slutty version of… Continue reading The Island of Misfit Costumes

Monthly Mottos: March

In the United States, between President’s Day (third Monday in February) and Memorial Day (last Monday in May) there are no real holidays. It is the doldrums of time off from work. March does have one thing going for it though, March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. I don’t know many people who get this particular… Continue reading Monthly Mottos: March