I really should have gotten everyone on the same Zoom call

My latest sketch—Zoom Stranger—is out now (and has been for, uh, a couple of weeks)! I had originally written a lengthier but altogether more negative blog post to “promote” the video (which I then sat on for awhile because it made me sad that the blog post was no good, what a cycle). However, I’m trying to run a comedy YouTube channel not a morgue, so I started over. The problem with that original post was that I wasn’t really putting people in a mood to watch the video, which is the opposite of what I wanted to do! The video is a lot of fun and I finally got to feature a bunch of my friends (and their wonderful faces) in a sketch for the first time. I also started writing this idea back in November and I was happy to get it out there before everyone gave up on using Zoom for fun forever.

The sketch itself is what one might call a mapping sketch. It takes the familiar situation of being at a bar and having someone who turns out to be a stranger try to invade your friend group, then supposes what that would be like if it happened to a gettogether among friends over Zoom. I’m being a little fast and loose with this definition of mapping but I think it’s in the execution that makes it true. Anyways, it’s a fun and relatable sketch! And it’s not often I think of my stuff as relatable but here we are, two relatable sketches in a row by me.

So, where did the negativity come from? Well, the video was a pain in the ass to make. I recorded everyone separately and stitched it all together after combing through literal hours of footage for what amounts to 2-ish minute long video. But you know what? That’s OK. It’s a learning process and now I know, I really should have gotten everyone on the same Zoom call.

For more sketch comedy, be sure to subscribe to my channel on YouTube!

By Matt Aromando

Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.

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