Vote 4 Ghost

Holiday decorations are the best. I love how much effort is put into coming up with new ideas for them year after year. Above is a photo of one of my all time favorites from Halloween 2008. It’s timely; Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, at most 8 days after Halloween. It’s poignant; politicians are the worst, it’s like their monsters! It’s goofy, for many reasons…

Party scheduling tradition

photo credit: woodleywonderworks via photopin cc

It’s Halloween on a Thursday. What a confusing day for Halloween to be on. When to party? I was invited to four Halloween parties last Friday, six days before Halloween. I found out some people are planning on partying tomorrow, November 1st. Now, I’ll never tell people not to party but when I hear about… Continue reading Party scheduling tradition

The Island of Misfit Costumes

It’s the last 10 days before Halloween night and I’ve thought a lot about costumes. My usual choice is something weird or otherwise confusing. For example, a couple of years ago I dressed up as Slutty French Fries (pictured), a play on the idea that the cliché girl costume is always a slutty version of… Continue reading The Island of Misfit Costumes

St. Patrick vs. St. Valentine

Today is St. Patrick’s Day. A week ago I went to Worcester County’s Annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Last night I went out to celebrate. I’ll probably go out again tonight. I realized, just a few moments ago, that is a lot of celebrating for a holiday that doesn’t really mean a lot to me. Don’t get me wrong,… Continue reading St. Patrick vs. St. Valentine