Monthly Mottos: August

August? More like Ugh-ust. (Which I’m pretty sure could be the motto on its own.) Honestly, without context, August is a solid month. It has nice weather which in turn brings beach and vacation potential. The problem is that the idea of August reminds me that summer is almost over. After a mere thirty-one more… Continue reading Monthly Mottos: August

Monthly Mottos: March

In the United States, between President’s Day (third Monday in February) and Memorial Day (last Monday in May) there are no real holidays. It is the doldrums of time off from work. March does have one thing going for it though, March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day. I don’t know many people who get this particular… Continue reading Monthly Mottos: March

Monthly Mottos: February

February comes and goes so fast, I’d better get this motto out before I forget: “February, look how short it is!” February is a seriously silly month. It’s ridiculous, 28 days most years and 29 every four. What is that? It’s a giant rounding error for how long it takes the Earth to move. And… Continue reading Monthly Mottos: February