
I’m a bit of a fiend when it comes to social networking. Without any real need, I pretty much sign up for every site there is. First I had to have Facebook and MySpace accounts and from there it all snowballed: Last.fm, Twitter, WordPress, Blogger, Google+… All the nonsense I could get my hands on.… Continue reading Tumblr

One Year In (Stand-up Comedy)

Today marks my 1-year anniversary of being a stand-up comedian. Not that I needed it, but Facebook even helped remind me by posting an “On This Day In 2010” status for me. It was in Worcester at the now defunct Orlando’s Comedy Jam. I was there to record Ryan Staples‘ set so he could submit… Continue reading One Year In (Stand-up Comedy)

The Comedy Studio Debut

On August 31st, I will be making my debut at The Comedy Studio. The Studio, as it’s referred to by local comics, is one of the most well known comedy clubs in the area and to some degree around the country. That being said, I’d love to have an audience of people there to support… Continue reading The Comedy Studio Debut

Rhode Island Comedy

There’s a brand new web site our there at rhodeislandcomedy.com which, as the address would suggest, is about comedy in Rhode Island.  It includes a calendar of events, performer listings, venue listings, and more in Rhode Island. Am I from the state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations? No. But that won’t stop me from… Continue reading Rhode Island Comedy


Sure I’m a stand-up comedian, but I do other stuff that is funny/interesting! I write and perform in sketches, make music, take photos of stuff I find amusing and draw stupid things too! So today I present the Works page, which goes through all the fun stuff I’ve done or do regularly (outside of stand-up… Continue reading Works