Laughing vs. Cheering

photo credit: Elessar via photopin cc

This past Saturday night my sketch group, Dictator’s Time Machine, had the pleasure of performing a sold out show. The show was ImprovBoston‘s Battle Royale along with All Things Dismembered. It was up against the New England Patriots playing in the quarterfinals of the NFL playoffs (against the Indianapolis Colts). To say that I’m surprised the… Continue reading Laughing vs. Cheering

It’s all your fault!

photo credit: Funky64 ( via photopin cc

I DVR most of the shows I watch, so I don’t see many commercials. Though, I love watching baseball and that is something I need to see live. Therefore, I’ve seen a lot of commercials during the playoffs and I’ve also been seeing a lot off the same commercials…

Let’s Go O’s!

Update 1: As I’m now realizing, the A’s still have a chance of winning the American League West with the Rangers being one of the two wildcard teams. Update 2: Good thing I had “Update 1.” The A’s and Rangers are tied for the AL West and play one more game tonight against each other.… Continue reading Let’s Go O’s!