Adding consonants and so forth

“Eck cetera” is not a thing. People who say that are probably thinking of “et cetera,” which is a real thing (shortened as “etc.”) This bothers me in a way that pronouncing the “t” in “often” never could. At least most dictionaries say it’s okay to pronounce “often” that way (it still bugs me). Though I’m going to guess no dictionaries allow for that ridiculous pronunciation of “et cetera” because the letters for the “ck” sound do not exist within it. Sure, there’s eventually a “c” but eck-ers (as I’ll call them from now on) pronounce that one separately, too!

Oddly, I find some of the biggest offenders are people who say it all the time. This makes it even more irritating, if someone’s going to act all smart (you know, because it’s Latin) they at least need to know how to say it. No one is going to call someone out in person because let’s face it, people are cowards and it’s also a picky/unnecessary thing to get upset about, but this matters people!

By Matt Aromando

Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.

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