I’m not a big fan of holiday shopping—this last year I managed to buy nearly all my gifts online—but I did leave my apartment a couple of times to look for things I thought people might want. One place I went, and almost immediately regretted, was the holiday market in Union Square…
Author: Matt Aromando
Stand-up, improv, and sketch comedian.
Ah, the holidays. A time for reflecting and giving thanks. What is a person like me thankful for (aside from all the wonderful people who participated in the 4th Annual International Subscribe to Matt Aromando (and his email list) Week)? I’d say I’m thankful for my perception that my comedy career might actually be going… Continue reading Lifeguards
How did you get here?
Yesterday morning, I was contemplating the events of Tuesday’s presidential election. I wondered what my purpose was in a country that I disagreed with so many people about what was good for the future. It hadn’t crossed my mind that I didn’t really belong in this country (though I’m relieved by how both my current… Continue reading How did you get here?
Them Vs. Us
Recently I’ve gotten really into the Freakonomics podcast, a podcast by journalist Stephen Dubner and economist Steven Levitt who co-wrote the Freakonomics book. The podcast has actually been around for years and, in my mad quest to get caught up, I’m listening to some episodes from around the 2012 presidential election (simpler times). It’s been interesting to hear about some of the topics people had problems with during that election and how little they’ve changed in the past four years.
A Moment of Reflection
Kids love breaking rules and otherwise being rude—I know that was my deal, at least some of the time—but rarely do they have a moment of reflection.
Jurassic America
Recently, I’ve looked at some sketches that I’ve written over the past year. One called “Jurassic America” caught my eye as one I’d probably never be able to produce on stage or as a video. It’s one of the wackiest things I’ve ever written and yet I had no way of sharing how wacky I… Continue reading Jurassic America
The Formula For Success!
I have many petty beliefs. My right to judge people’s t-shirts is one that I’ll never let go. Recently I saw someone wearing a t-shirt with this printed on it…